Good Golf Shoes And Foot Placement Can Improve Your Game
Before you enter the golf course, especially if you are a beginner, know that there is a technology behind a good golf shoe. Just like a good Pima cotton shirt and pants can breathe and keep you cool, a good golf shoe can actually help your swing.
Golf shoes have come a long way in style and comfort. Water proof shoes are always a good idea but in a golf shoe, pay attention more to comfort than style. Style is OK but it is not going to do you any good if you have to walk 4 plus miles on the course.
The shoe itself today is designed for the stresses put on the feet from the swing. The feet start out with weight equally balanced on the right and left foot. A good golf shoe will keep you balanced but be comfortable at the same time. In a good golf swing there is a shift of the lower body and feet that take place. From a lightly balanced position the weight transfers to the front foot with more weight placed on the inside of the feet as you are leaning over, then as the back swing occurs the weight shifts to the back foot still while maintaining a slight inward stance of the feet. If you shift to the outer part of the foot, you can get the very undesirable sway.
If your feet are pronated outward or inward then you can have special inserts made by you Podiatrist that you can place inside your golf shoe. This can dramatically improve your game.
Some name brand quality golf shoes:
Tommy Bahama
Foot Joy
The spikes on golf shoes have changed considerably and most clubs have banned the metal spikes because they rip up the course and are bad for golf carts and club walk ways. Today’s shoes have plastic spikes that still grip the course but are far more comfortable than metal. As spikes wear down, they need to be replaced to ensure that you stay at the top of your game.
Do your research on shoes before you buy. Shop later in the afternoon when your feet have spread and walk around in them enough, to really get a feel for them.
Author: Willie Jones is a freelance writer, researcher, floral designer, and artist, for Art Inspires, Inc. Make sure you enroll in the free motivational poster drawing at
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